Cariol Horne
Topics of discussion
Surviving Violence as a Police Officer
From Law Enforcement to Civil Activist
Living with PTSD

Cariol Horne served Buffalo, New York, as a police officer for twenty years before being fired for stopping a fellow police officer from choking a handcuffed African-American man during an arrest. During this encounter, Ms. Horne was physically assaulted by her fellow officer, which had a physical and psychological impact. Ms. Horne speaks on how PTSD has interrupted her life since this incident and how speaking out has impacted her livelihood. Although the officer that physically assaulted her is serving time in prison due to another physical altercation, he will receive his pension when he is released, while she will not.
After being fired, Ms. Horne has become an outspoken advocate for stopping police brutality and encouraging other officers to speak out against injustice and police brutality. She remains a trailblazer for justice and a solace for those who have been victims of police brutality. Her story sparked Cariol's Law, the Duty-to-Intervene law, which passed in Buffalo in 2020. Listen to Ms. Horne’s narrative as it poses the question, What happens when Black Lives Matter meets Blue Lives Matter?